Friday, January 8, 2010
Wasn't I just holding my first baby?
Wasn't I just the starry eyed MFA student walking onto campus and thinking this was the beginning of great things?
Life has been a storm lately, leaving me with little time to catch my breath or write things down.
The good news is that there are things there. Stories, novels, strings of words, all percolating while I wait to have the time to breathe. To sit. To put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) again.
Not that I anticipate life to settle down anytime soon. But I might, in the midst of it, give myself a little moment. Or more than one. Maybe seven or eight. Because it's a new year, again, which reminds me that life moves quickly and without remorse for what we hoped might have been.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
And some mornings your infant son chews on your laptop cord while your preschoolers tool around the house in cardboard boxes, which can only mean that whatever had been IN the boxes is now somewhere between your kitchen and living room, and then you hear the sound of something tearing and then there's a crash or a shout, and perhaps a foul smell trailing behind your daughter as she zips past and you realize that writing will not happen.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The reality is, I am in a slump. Creativity is blossoming, imagination is at work, the will is there - but then life comes and drags me away. Ok, perhaps that's a tad too melodramatic, especially when life comes in two forms. The first is my children, the hustle and bustle of maneuvering my family through the hoops of preschool, babysitters, work, meals, cleaning, teaching, learning, exploring, settling into sleep. Rinse and repeat. In this instance, I am dragged. There is no avoiding life.
The second is the time spent with my husband in a near catatonic state of television watching. Ok, catatonic is not a fair assessment as often I will exercise while watching, but still, it's the way my mind feels after watching an hour or two. This is the form of life swallowing that must stop. Especially with my self-imposed deadline now firmly looming on the not-so-distant horizon. December 15th. I will be done.
In the meantime, I have been invited to do a reading on October 1st at Adelle's Coffeehouse in Dover, NH. Anyone local is welcome!
And for no other reason than because photography has been my creative outlet of choice as of late, snapping photos as life swallows me whole, here are some glimpses into my world.
Monday, August 3, 2009

Now that summer has finally showed itself here in New England, after weeks of gray skies and dreary mornings with rain splattering our windows, I'm hoping to be inspired by the imagination and whimsy of my children.
The novel is progressing, taking it's own turns and surprising me as I write. I've begun sneaking it in while working. In between answering inquiries about 401K's and minding my schedule adherence, I'm typing away to myself, lengthy emails of scenes I've been meaning to sit down and put to paper at home. Since I'm, nearly literally, glued to my seat at work, I have no excuse not to get writing done. Except, of course, that it might be frowned upon by my employer.
The people around me read or otherwise goof off during their down time as well though, so if they can sit and watch live coverage of Michael Jackson's funeral or skim through the latest Nicholas Sparks novel, why can't I at least be productive?
Still. I'd rather be chasing bubbles.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
And I'm getting writing done as well...
Saturday, July 4, 2009