Sunday, January 25, 2009

What do you have to lose?

The Fifth Annual Glass Woman Prize is accepting submissions up until March 21st. This is one of those competitions where there is really no down side to entering, so long as you are female.

There is no entry fee, previously published & simultaneous submissions are accepted, and there is no obligation to have your work published on their website following the competition, should you win.

Oh, and the prize of $700 is a nice incentive as well.

Did I mention there's no entry fee? I mean, really, the contest pretty much leaves you excuse-less, now doesn't it?

(While at the contest site, I noticed that one of the top ten from last years competition was a fellow Lesley MFA'er, whom I've workshopped with,Tavi Black. Congrats!)

It's a competition that I found out about via the Creative Writer's Opportunities List. For anyone looking for a way to learn about oodles of writing competitions, submission calls, open teaching positions, etc - I highly recommend it. I also highly recommend that you have a GMail (or other) junk account set up to be used as its home, as the daily emails can get a bit overwhelming.

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